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Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….

Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….2011-10-29T02:34:54+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist…. Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….


Post count: 913

I agree with your last sentences, MonkeyBarb. People have literally died from infections caused by disiesed teeth. And if you have vision troubles, it can lead to job issues, more accidents, etc. – it’s cheaper to keep the WHOLE body up and functioning as far as society is concerned over-all.

BTW – it was a neuropsychologist who did the final testing and diagnosis on me. They already decided I had ADHD, bad, but wanted to know more and rule out other issues before any treatment (some meds to treat ADHD may have bad impact on other things, so they need to rule them all out, be sure it’s ADHD for certain, THEN prescribe……)

This fellow was brilliant, and after 4+ hours of testing and interview, it was a done deal.