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Re: kept failing the same class over and over

Re: kept failing the same class over and over2010-11-29T15:43:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story kept failing the same class over and over Re: kept failing the same class over and over


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

A lot of people get diagnosed after their children are diagnosed, and they look at the test results and think, “I bet I could score higher than that.”

Until very recently, it was believed that you outgrew ADD. We now know that you don’t outgrow it; you just become better at hiding the symptoms. Unfortunately, many doctors and specialists don’t keep abreast of the latest information. This results in many patients having to shop around for one who won’t dismiss them with, “You don’t have ADD. It’s a children’s condition.”

As one specialist says in the “ADD and Loving It” documentary, “The things that I learned about it in medical school, would be considered malpractice today.” And, judging by how old he looked, he was in medical school about 15 years ago.

Makes you think, doesn’t it?