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Re: My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD “be popular”

Re: My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD “be popular”2010-12-01T15:21:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD "be popular" Re: My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD “be popular”


Post count: 14413

Hmm, sounds familiar! Growing up I was always great at joining groups and new friends but would slowly slip into the shadows and disappear over time. I hope those kids aren’t actually discriminating Sarah cause of her ADHD!! If so, the school should intervene here. Young kids need to be just as educated as there larger more stubborn counter-parts. Any educational institute should be open and willing to help the ADHD community as the evidence proves we are fully capable of great things with, or without treatment.

So yeah, light a fire under Sarah’s mom and help the little girl out!!! By the way – I sucked in math until diagnosed with ADHD in university – then went on to complete 6 semesters of advanced calculus! Go figure??