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Re: High pain tolerance, ok, but why?

Re: High pain tolerance, ok, but why?2011-02-18T04:31:19+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Odd Symptoms/Behaviours/Signs High pain tolerance, ok, but why? Re: High pain tolerance, ok, but why?


Post count: 40

@jen … tly…

I didn’t read the thread other than the first post. I took 10 years of kali training, and my oldest son took 5 years of tae kwan do. I say ‘took’ because it was serious. No, serious. ‘Took’ a beating for the most part :o)

I taught escrima and kali for 20 years. My sons do not cry, but they can be provoked. I’ve got the bruises to prove it.

We’re all ADD, and all mastered the art we chose. Mastered.

My youngest is fearless. He scares me in his ability to pick up and deliver. He reminds me of my younger self. Hopefully, he will pick up algebra as readily.
