About sdwa

My background is in fine arts & graphic design. In the early 1990s I kept an art studio for four years, where I completed a series of brooding paintings, two of which were accepted into juried art shows, and one of which got noticed by a respected local art critic. Never got it together to have a solo show, gave up my studio after the birth of my first child, and haven't painted much since. When the kids were small, I studied graphic design with a focus on typography, and have produced newsletters, annual reports, brochures, logos, business cards, books, and repeat patterns for fabric and wallpaper. Later, I invested a year in obtaining a green building certification, even though I don't actually do technical work - it was just interesting. I co-authored and designed a non-fiction title, and wrote the first draft of a novel. Next, I completed a two-year program in paralegal studies. Sometimes now I'll do projects like manuscript preparation and editing for others, and do temporary office support to pay the bills. I have many underutilized skills. Poverty is a chronic concern. I'm smart, but even medication and understanding ADD have not helped me change my circumstances - I'm just more comfortable with my limitations. It takes enormous effort to make minor progress, which can be demoralizing. My children are now young adults (one struggles with ADHD, depression, OCD, and anxiety - we have that in common - and the other is just plain depressed). I got my ADD diagnosis after decades of depression. I have been married to a wonderful and equally nutty person for more than 25 years. These three guys are my beloved silver lining, and they are truly beautiful and amazing human beings.

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