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Reply To: afraid to start afraid of being interrupted

Reply To: afraid to start afraid of being interrupted2015-10-06T21:17:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Motivation/Staying on Track afraid to start afraid of being interrupted Reply To: afraid to start afraid of being interrupted


Post count: 4

Hi Cassatt

I have a friend who has ADHD and she told me when I was diagnosed that having a daily routine and making priorities really helps because it’s simplifying which makes her day more manageable .

I too have a lot of things I like to do and I can get so caught in worry
because their are so many hours in a day , that’s why I have started the habit of starting a daily routine for the whole week because it does allow me
to consider what are my priorities vs my wants .

Of course it’s not one size shoe fits all . This may approach
may not work for you , but keep on exploring amd I am convinced
that you will find something that is right for you .