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Reply To: apparently I create an "unpleasant work environment for teammates"

Reply To: apparently I create an "unpleasant work environment for teammates"2018-04-15T05:12:31+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling apparently I create an "unpleasant work environment for teammates" Reply To: apparently I create an "unpleasant work environment for teammates"


Post count: 45

What is “true” and what is “truth” are two different things.
What is “true” is facts. Cold, hard, real.
What is “truth” is perception of those facts. Perception takes into account prejudice, pride, interruption, color-blindness, allergies, and anything else that can POSSIBLY affect the judgement of any individual or any group of individuals of any size.
What you actually do has very little to do with how many might see you.
I have friends who tell me I’m the salt of the earth, but I feel like a failure a lot of times, even though I can figure for myself that I actually DO do people good as much as I can, and sometimes I actually get it right and someone gets some good out of it.
I also have a few that, no matter what I do, will think that I am the orifice that is the black hole at the center of the universe. Not necessarily because of something I’ve done, but maybe what they -thought- they saw coupled with a half memory of something they heard about something similar, but unconnected, and I’m too busy to check for sure, but I’d rather be safe than sorry, so I’ll badmouth this gal so I don’t look like a sucker if She turns out to be bad . Oh: by the way, her name is Theresa, she’s a nun or something…
The book says Judge not that ye be not judged. I’m 67, and I try like hell not to, but it’s a bad habit to break.
Management is high stress in general, and anyone can be a scapegoat, because politics is at least half of what makes it go. How many politicians do you know that are straight forward?
By the way, politics is ALL perception. Tell someone to go to hell and leave them looking forward to the trip. There is no room for what’s “true”.
Chronic pain can cause your patience to shorten also, and mental pain can be as bad as physical. A very good friend once told me, “When it hurts bad enough, you’ll leave.” She was talking about relationships. I was talking about suicide. Apparently, my God has given me just enough toughness in the face of pain. I’m still here.
It’s not really a nice thing to say to anyone, but, if it comes to leaving or hurting, weigh your choices carefully. You could be the best manager they ever have, or, you could be the sucker getting played. You are the only one who can make the call for you.
Best of luck with it all.