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Reply To: New member just starting meds…….

Reply To: New member just starting meds…….2018-06-15T17:33:24+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! New member just starting meds……. Reply To: New member just starting meds…….


Post count: 16

Hi it’s greentree hear.
I would like to comment but do remember I’m speaking from my own experience here and not from a qualified perspective. I would like to comment and say that many people when talking about meds seem to be refering to general GPs perscribing and directing the delivery and decisions of meds in many posts I’ve read here. Is this the same in your case?. If so why are you not diagnosed, seen and meds managed by a qualified phychiatrist who specializes in the field of brain disorders, your case Adhd. These guys are brain gurues who have also done the medical, which means they have expertise of meds and the brain. They are medical specialists of this field. I am in Australia and while under this standard of proffesional, meds are trialed , but it’s slow and steady in increments keeping a medication diary with written notes on your physical, mental respons to dosages, by you, who is the only one who can trully know what’s working.It was done this way in my case untill meds were sorted. It is a science of everyone’s brain and med dosages and med types being individual, needs to be tailored to you. This is what my guy said to me who is one of Australia’s top phychiatrist in ADHD and ASD disorders. Would you continue to see an optomitrist if you had a detatched retna or would you seek out an optomologist. I would seek out the latter. If you are seeing a phychiatrist who specializes in ADHD then he would have explained that meds have a span of time before they wear off depending on the dosage you take and time intervils between dosages. I was started on dex at quarter tablet working up to 1 with different times between dosages working up in dosage quantities and working out with the doc the time intervills over the coarse of a month 5 weeks. I was told then if meds dosages dont suite then you move to a different med. Sounds like your docs doing a bit of lets just try another one size fit all approch to it. My Older brother was accidently turned on mentally when he was perscribed meds for weight controle by his GP. Who then sent him to a specialized phychiatrist in ADHD. He too had the same methadologies applied to his journey in meds of dexamphedamine. He lives in another state to me. He was almost 58 at diagnosis, now 64.5, I was 55 now 59. Meds were explained in much detail to both of us. He too saw a leading specialist phychitrist in his state. Or maybe it’s just different in your country who knows. Sorry for such a long post
Good luck with you and your sons journey mate,
Sunshine days always 👍💚