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Reply To: Suggested first steps when professional help isn't an option?

Reply To: Suggested first steps when professional help isn't an option?2018-07-17T20:00:53+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Suggested first steps when professional help isn't an option? Reply To: Suggested first steps when professional help isn't an option?


Post count: 45

I keep being drawn back to the name we are called by as a group: Attention Deficit Disorder.


I live in the western US. ( and I apologize to the whole world for that right now.)
None the less, my point is that terms used here, and the “politically correct” rubbish that goes with whatever country you happen to be from that affects the terms you use, has a lot to do with what I might say versus what you might hear.

That being said: Yes, to me being called a “deficit”, or a “disorder” carries the same kind of instant put-down that happens if a white American male refers to a black person as that infamous “N” word. It is an insult.

I’ve seen Attention Different Direction suggested, but even that doesn’t fit quite right.
Thinking about it, since the main rub seems to be that, as a group that is smaller than the group of “normal” people, we just don’t think with the same patterns.
We are NOT less valid, only different from the perceived norm. Like the black man in a white world.
So; if it’s going to be ADD, how about calling us Attention Domesticly Disinclined.
It covers the points that I am not easily domesticated to the “normal” thinking patterns that are the ideal of the behavioral authority out there that wants to tell the worlds population “Think this way only”, and that I don’t really care if you think I’m odd or not, because I am happy with myself, whether you are or not. Same as that black man.

When the authority stops telling me that I’m an abomination by birth, I will be a little more willing to listen to what they have to say.

In shorter words, do not insult me upon greeting, and I will have less disdain for what you have to say.
Compliment me, and I will enthusiastically try to help you understand my world.

Just saying…