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Reply To: Taking Vyvanse While Pregnant

Reply To: Taking Vyvanse While Pregnant2019-01-22T00:40:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Taking Vyvanse While Pregnant Reply To: Taking Vyvanse While Pregnant


Post count: 4

Since this post is from 2015, I’m curious what you ended up doing and what your experience was with your second pregnancy. I was diagnosed only about a year before getting pregnant (for the first time) and I was trying different meds but the side effects were pretty bad and I hadn’t found any that made my life better yet – so I’m just comparing pre-treatment ADHD to pregnant ADHD. So far pregnant ADHD is terrible (way worse than the normal fog). I’m just starting the second trimester and holding out some hope that I can get back to some things that have been effective like exercise. But I’d really love to hear from others. This must be pretty common but I really haven’t been able to find much information at all. There is some information about how changing hormones during a woman’s menstrual cycle affect ADHD symptoms – and it seems that when progesterone is high, symptoms are worse, and when estrogen is high, symptoms are better. But in pregnancy, both are way higher… so who knows. For me, in the first trimester of pregnancy, it has felt like ADHD at the worst time of the month x100. But all these hormones change and I’m hoping that during the second trimester when I’m starting to not feel so nauseous all the time and can do better at eating healthy and exercising (which have helped before) that things might be a bit better (for example – hoping I can pull my job performance back from the brink…). I’d love to hear how this went for you and any other ladies who have been through this – it can’t be as rare as the amount of info on it would make it seem!