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Reply To: Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app?

Reply To: Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app?2019-10-14T08:19:12+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app? Reply To: Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app?


Post count: 4

YES, omg, that matrix is a handy system! I’ve heard of it before.
Thinking of automating the process though, so I don’t have to do it by hand for every task….

I’m envisioning a mobile app that does the prioritizing and scheduling for me. But according to what is important in my life. So I can go through my day, just emptying my mind into it, and it will tell me what would be the best thing to do right now. So it would free up mental space for all that decisionmaking.
Would you use something like that?
If yes, would would it have to do for you to be useful? If no, do you have any tools that work for you and didn’t get annoying/too much work yet?