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Reply To: Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app?

Reply To: Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app?2019-10-14T10:33:53+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app? Reply To: Prioritizing takes so much effort, should I make an app?


Post count: 7


Re app try Ike.

I cant post a picture of it here but it works on a similar principle. I gce the natrix thingy in my phone cover,as you have to prioritse yourself.

I think i over did it by making seperate ones for work home and emotions and predominately i used it for mentally dumping emotional overload but u liked it, may be i should cut it down a bit and restart with it.

Have a look see what you think.

Have you xme across any apps you like?
