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Re: 27 year old Norwegian girl with newly discovered ADD(SCT-SluggishCognitiveTempo)

Re: 27 year old Norwegian girl with newly discovered ADD(SCT-SluggishCognitiveTempo)2011-06-09T18:43:37+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story 27 year old Norwegian girl with newly discovered ADD(SCT-SluggishCognitiveTempo) Re: 27 year old Norwegian girl with newly discovered ADD(SCT-SluggishCognitiveTempo)


Post count: 14413

Hi ge

I know, there is very little information about SCT, however there is more about ADD and nobody has all the symptoms. SCT will hopefully get more known in time. (Editing myself as I’m writing, slow process. And english isn’t my first language…)

I do have racing thoughts though, it’s just that I can’t seem to catch them, so they appear more like static. Exhausting… I’m probably going deaf soon, cause the only thing that works for me is to either daydream or listen to music, or both… Drown it all out…

SCT is primarily issues with work memory and processing speed, maybe that will help you even more when you try to find out more about SCT.

Good luck with the meeting :-)

Hi KrazyKat

Have you checked out TotallyADD’s YouTube channel? Rick Green’s videos

“Excuses” http://youtu.be/vP74rAOxG9I

“It’s all made up” http://youtu.be/nX35RMunAL4

I wish I had his ability to speak my mind.

I love deadlines :D That way I at least know that things will get done, but that is mainly other peoples deadlines, I can’t seem to take my own deadlines as serious :D

Lists doesn’t really work for me either, my boyfriend put up a list of what to do around the house for the summer (repaint, fix and such…)on the refrigerator a few weeks ago, I can’t look at it without feeling like the room is caving in on me. It’s too much! Makes me feel like crying, it’s so weird… And knowing that so-called ‘normal’ people wouldn’t have any problem with that makes me mad about myself. Maybe if we took one project at a time I would feel better, but having that list almost makes me wish it was autumn already…

I feel the same way about not beeing a good enough girlfriend, daughter, sister, friend, aunt ect. ect. But I’m sure we’re all doing as good as we can. We’re willing, but not as able as we wish to be. I really hope medicines will help me with that.(Right now I have really high hopes that I will be like a whirlwind that’s everywhere doing everything that needs to be done and pleasing all along my way!)(Not sure if that ever will happen, might disapoint myself though…)

I think, maybe, not sure though, that Dr. J said something about trying your childrens medicines in the Webinar: The Truth About Medication


Waffle as much as you want, I seem to do it too :-)

Thank you, I’m so glad I found this forum, almost makes me feel normal :D

Good luck in September