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Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed

Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed2011-12-09T16:16:25+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed


Post count: 285

Good points Bill!

@Sailing: Complaining about your boss – that’s a tricky decision to make. I would say that if you are ready to go forward, and let the chips fall where they may (like it could make it worse and lead to your having to quit or get fired), what do you have to lose by going to upper management? Even if they can’t solve the problem for you, you will be helping the other people who are too afraid to speak up…

If you are still hoping to patch things up with your boss, you might want to just talk to some peers or other people in the company who seem to get along well with this icky boss. Maybe you can find a way to get him to stop holding a grudge. If you’re doing better, and you have invested a lot of time and energy in your sucess at that place, maybe you can get past it.

I think you would have to be able to forgive the boss (who is human and probably has his own disfunctional issues). If the boss sees you are still angry at how you’ve been treated, he’s going to stay defensive, and have a motivation to find fault with you… He’s probably never going to apologize, but maybe he can let it go and start seeing the good work you are doing instead of focusing on the mistakes…

I don’t really know for sure because I’m not there, but I’ve seen situations like this get turned around…