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Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed

Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed2011-12-10T17:36:39+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed


Post count: 14413

It may be against the law for employers to hold your disability against you, but it is sometimes hard to prove that they are. It’s also sometimes hard to admit I need any accommodations. The method of promoting at my work is almost impossible to maneuver through for me. I’ve applied and made three “short lists” and gone to the interview three times and done pretty bad all three times. These are behavioral interviews where I am asked 3 part long questions that have 3 part long answers and I get lost in my answers and then get nervous and more lost and end up doing very poorly and not getting selected. Right now I am temporarily promoted to the next higher position for 2 months and I am doing very well at the job. I know and the supervisors know I can do the job, but there has to be an opening and I have to do exceedingly well on the interview to get the job. There will likely be an opening in the next couple of months and I’ll put in for it, but I’m very nervous about the interview tbh.

Should I ask for an accommodation to get a promotion? Will it work if I do? Or should I just accept that I will never get that promotion because of this stupid process that I have to go through? Or will I do better at the interview now that I’m medicated? Who knows but I’m getting pretty frustrated because it’s obvious to everyone that I can do the job as I have been for the last month doing it.