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Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed

Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed2011-12-10T20:41:40+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Strategies for Work 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed Re: 45, ADD and totally in the wrong job, I feel suck and screwed


Post count: 14413

‘When should an individual with a disability request a reasonable accommodation?

An individual with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation at any time during the application process or during the period of employment. The ADA does not preclude an employee with a disability from requesting a reasonable accommodation because s/he did not ask for one when applying for a job or after receiving a job offer. Rather, an individual with a disability should request a reasonable accommodation when s/he knows that there is a workplace barrier that is preventing him/her, due to a disability, from effectively competing for a position, performing a job, or gaining equal access to a benefit of employment.(23) As a practical matter, it may be in an employee’s interest to request a reasonable accommodation before performance suffers or conduct problems occur.’

This is from the Americans with disabilities act and applies to my situation. I think if I do decide to ask for an accommodation on the basis of my disability. The part about competing for a position applies. I’ll think about whether I decide to request a reasonable accommodation or not. I might do much better with the medication and not need it. But, it’s a shame really that the method of promotion discriminates against someone with ADD.Also I should state that I am a federal employee.