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Re: A Life of Loose Ends, Regret, Excuses, Loss, & Erosion of Hope

Re: A Life of Loose Ends, Regret, Excuses, Loss, & Erosion of Hope2011-12-28T07:57:03+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Stuck in Regret/Anger A Life of Loose Ends, Regret, Excuses, Loss, & Erosion of Hope Re: A Life of Loose Ends, Regret, Excuses, Loss, & Erosion of Hope


Post count: 14413

Hi RM,

I am glad to see that you ended your post with to be continued…. Keep your head up. You are human.

It doesn’t sound like you are on any meds? It is time to take control of what you can control. Get to a doctor and get your head straight so you can move forward. Do not self medicate!

Get into a local church and find some solid ground to stand on and people to lean on.

Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened, ask and it shall be given you. Stop trying to “do” life on your own, We will only continue to mess it up worse.