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Re: A long and winding road – with light up ahead

Re: A long and winding road – with light up ahead2010-04-13T21:57:56+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other A long and winding road – with light up ahead Re: A long and winding road – with light up ahead


Post count: 121

hi lisa!!

wow! this is so interesting to read about everything that you’ve gone through to make sure that your son feels like his “dis”ability is a gift.

couple questions….

you wrote:

The total picture became that much clearer last spring when a new (privately-funded) evaluation pointed to a communication disability as well as a severe short-term memory dysfunction (think of the film “50 First Dates”), on top of the ADD-inattentive type that we already knew about.

can you please provide more information on this? i blogged about it the other day…. fifty first dates. think it may be interesting to see if there is anything there that can assist me.

and also…

Several years ago, we received a brochure that outlined 12 different ways that people learn: visually, musically, by writing or repetition. All of us have some degree of each of them, and this concept has made our grasp of learning so much more vivid.

do you have any additional info on this? anything would be helpful.

thank you so much for sharing. i smiled when i finished reading your post. it feels good to know that there are still folks out there who fight the system to ensure their kids greatness is reached. my older girl has down syndrome and my aunt has fought tooth and nail to have her remain so high functioning.

good day to you!!
