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Re: A Whole Lotts SHAKING goind on???

Re: A Whole Lotts SHAKING goind on???2010-09-28T12:55:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General A Whole Lotts SHAKING goind on??? Re: A Whole Lotts SHAKING goind on???


Post count: 14413

Thaks for the responses.

I saw the Dr. and he decided that cutting the cogentin in halp and see if that helps.

It has been 4 days and am seeing no difference.

Realizing that even for the Dr., this is a learning process to see what works and

what doesn’t, it can be so frusterating. It has been years since my diagnosis and

I am still looking for the right combination of meds that works for me. Granted at

least one year is definitely my fault. I was too stubborn to take the meds on a regular

basis. But it just seems a bit odd to me that it has taken so long.

Is anyone else having difficulty zeroing in on their right combinations of med?