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Re: ADD and marriage. Something to think about.

Re: ADD and marriage. Something to think about.2011-05-30T04:52:33+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer ADD and marriage. Something to think about. Re: ADD and marriage. Something to think about.


Post count: 14413

I think that every marriage should be entered into only after much consideration BUT everybody is going to work at their marriages differently. Some think that once you’re married, it’s time to sit back and smell the proverbial roses and never put any effort into the relationship from that point on. A recipe for disaster in ANY marriage. I have seen marriages where one person is severely physically disabled, but they have worked because the non-disabled one has never had to become a carer to the disabled spouse at the expense of their relationship. Any relationship where one partner has to end up propping up the other partner on a long term basis, is doomed for failure. It should be a two way street. I have seen partners fight hard to take their severely disabled spouses home from hospital despite the hard work of caring for them because they are lonely and miss them – they are obviously getting plenty of emotional support and social interaction that counteracts the stress of dealing with the disability. What becomes a trial of epic proportions in one marriage, becomes strengthening to another. It all depends on the two people involved and cannot be blamed on disability, any more than it can be blamed on losing a job, or being diagnosed with cancer. Some marriages will survive and some will not.