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Re: ADD and marriage. Something to think about.

Re: ADD and marriage. Something to think about.2011-05-31T20:02:04+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer ADD and marriage. Something to think about. Re: ADD and marriage. Something to think about.


Post count: 445

I’ve said all I can say on this subject. Others can continue to add their own perspectives. But I would add one final thought:

Many, MANY people who post to this sight have written about the “ah-ha” moment when they realized they had a neurological “issue”— a point in time when the puzzle pieces started to fall into place. As we began to understand that many of our problems had neurological roots, we wanted others in our lives to understand that, too—”We don’t WANT to be compulsive or impulsive or short-tempered or inattentive or scattered, we just are. We’re hard-wired that way.”

Still, be that as it may, we all have to take ownership of whatever we are and strive daily to make the best of it. It’s not enough to expect others to understand our plight and always adjust their expectations to accommodate us. We have to work to to make adjustments, too. Adjustments at home. Adjustments at work. Adjustments everywhere. As members of communities large, small, and intimate, we also must try to understand and respond to the needs and feelings of others, as well as strive to meet our legitimate obligations.

I will always be an advocate for people who suffer from ADD/ADHD. But I think I also have a moral obligation to show compassion (and concern) for those others who have to deal constantly with our numerous, sometimes serious shortcomings. That compassion can manifest itself in many different ways. People we love and who love and care about us deserve nothing less—along, of course, with our deepest, eternal gratitude.

Further, this forum member saith not…