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Re: ADD and radiation/chemo/…?

Re: ADD and radiation/chemo/…?2010-12-04T17:04:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD and radiation/chemo/…? Re: ADD and radiation/chemo/…?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

If you think you might have ADHD, you should get a proper diagnosis, from a psychologist or psychiatrist who is experienced with Adult ADHD, or is a recent enough grad to have learned the latest information on it. Unfortunately, many doctors have failed to update their knowledge, and still think that ADHD is just a children’s condition. So you may have to look around for the right psych.

ADHD is passed on genetically. End of story. If a close relative has ADHD, then there is an increased likelihood that you have it. If no close relative has it, then it is less likely that you have it.

All that mis-information out there about it being the result of allergies or environmental factors is complete BOLLOCKS, usually from people trying to sell you their alternative “cures”.

However, the actual *symptoms* can become more severe in the presence of illness or hormonal changes (including PMS), and during the severe stresses that a major illness, not to mention chemo, places on the body. These more severe symptoms can be mistaken for a sudden onset of the condition. Did you notice any change in your ADHD symptoms during your cancer treatments?

As for treatments for ADHD, the best way involves a combination of meds, cognitive behavioural therapy, exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep. Some supplements also seem helpful, including Omega 3-6-9, and Melatonin (at night, to help you sleep), but check with your doctor before taking anything.

You’d have to discuss all of the pros and cons of potential ADHD meds with your ADHD specialist and your cancer specialist. Due to your medical history, you may have an increased risk of sensitivity and side effects, so you and your doctors would have to tread very carefully. It would be more difficult without the meds, but it would be necessary if you and your doctors determined that the risk of side effects outweighed the potential benefits.

There are some great books on ADHD, including “You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid, or Crazy?” and “Taking Charge of Adult ADHD”. They’re not too expensive on Amazon, and they are excellent!