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Re: add and social skills

Re: add and social skills2011-05-24T04:57:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community add and social skills Re: add and social skills


Post count: 363

shutterbug55: This link may interest you: http://LineZero.org – they are accepting fiction submissions with deadline June 15

Have you ever tried National Novel Writing Month?

I feel the same way about other people’s energy getting on me. It’s like my clothing absorbs it, and it gets into my hair. I always want to shower after I’ve been out around people. I prefer being home, also. Not afraid to go out, but just prefer to stay where it’s quiet and there is privacy.

toofat – I think I understand what you’re saying, and was thinking earlier about how I used to be more angry and misanthropic, probably because I didn’t fit in – but now that I know I have ADD, that has given me a different perspective on the struggles I experience daily, and I don’t bear other people ill will because of those struggles. I probably do judge people by the way they look, because possessions represent values due to their associations – which don’t come from me but come from the culture. And people know this – that is why there is such a thing as “dress for success,” and lawyers tell their clients what to wear in court. That’s why there is image consulting. But that’s not really what I’m talking about with the overload stuff. I’m talking about a physical reaction against too much activity & commotion. I get overstimulated and exhausted when I’m in group situations, and that tends to overshadow my sense of who I am in those environments. There’s just too much going on. I don’t think that’s a psychology thing, I think it’s a brain thing. Other people might treat it like an emotional issue, but I think I’m just hard-wired that way.