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Re: ADD and Suicide, is there a connection?

Re: ADD and Suicide, is there a connection?2012-02-12T15:03:44+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other ADD and Suicide, is there a connection? Re: ADD and Suicide, is there a connection?


Post count: 14413

I think it is easier for one’s thoughts to get away from them with ADHD. And when they’re heading in a dark direction, it’s very easy to “catastophise” and believe that the current situation can’t get any worse. I certainly find myself plagued by dark thoughts every day, usually over situations that don’t seem to bleak a bit later. The problem is that “in the moment,” things are very overwhelming and seem hopeless. You want a release. When you’ve been dealing with it for decades, it’s quite possible to believe that the world would be better without you in it.