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Re: ADD Nutrition Connection

Re: ADD Nutrition Connection2010-02-28T04:05:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments ADD Nutrition Connection Re: ADD Nutrition Connection


Post count: 14413

I’m 66 and was diagnosed about 4 years ago. I started on Ritalin minimal dose right away, had no sensation of taking anything but immediately my wife could see the results in my productivity – especially on the stuff I’m not keen about. I decided to just take it weekday mornings to kick the day off in the right direction and this seems to be a functional compromise. I was already on a fairly decent exercise plan of hiking on a chunk of the Bruce Trail (that happens to be across the road) in the winter, cycling and tennis in the summer all more or less 3 times a week. After the workshop today I think I’ll create a new structure to make this more frequent.

Rick mentioned (in the workshop today) having done a course called TMLP at Landmark Education and as it happened I had taken the same course several years before being diagnosed with ADD – it turned out that this course delivers training which could have come right out of Hallowell’s book D2D, as part of the non-medical methods of functioning with ADD, so a good part of my solution was already in hand.

I also keep a vision board on an easel right behind the computer screen and this has actually helped – especially as some of the items on the board have showed up in my real life!