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Re: ADD possibility

Re: ADD possibility2011-06-07T16:31:16+00:00

Post count: 445

L_C– I want to thank you for pointing me in the direction of Russell Barkley. He rings true, and he certainly speaks to my condition and experience.

But there is so much static out there, it’s often hard to know what to think about ADD. To make matters worse, everybody has “an expert” they can quote to defend their own point of view. (e.g., the psychiatrist who posted the other day, claiming ADD/ADHD had been a great asset to his career. Then you have Dr. Barkley over on Youtube categorically asserting that all credible research proves ADHD does NOTHING, EVER, to make you more successful. Period. Au contraire…)

In fact, how many times do you read an article about anything controversial and see “recent research suggests/proves” in the first paragraph? It has become the bunker-buster of thoughtful discussion and debate: “I have a scientific study on my side, so you’re wrong and I’m right. Not only that, but you’re a moron!” The problem, as NYT columnist David Freedman has pointed out, is most (medical) research findings wind up being debunked within three years. So what are we to believe? What’s the truth? Sometimes I feel like all the time I spend reading about ADD—and other things, as well—is just a massive waste of time, and that I’d be better served continuing to bump into walls and trying to wade through, say, Plutarch’s “Parallel Lives”—if I could ever finish it.