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Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence

Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence2010-09-20T03:00:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence


Post count: 14413

The difference with bipolar is that it is cyclical and so pressured it comes out as spitting splutter at the end. ADDers talk fast because they want to get it all out both because they perceive a captive audience and because they can think quickly.

With regard to smelling issues, I am not aware of a smell problem propensity. Just the opposite, I think there may be a hypersensitivity. You know the very first branch of the olfactory nerve (i.e. the smelling nerve) is to the amygdala which is where we have the rage center. Of course, being animals, smell and aggression are closely tied together. This is the anterior part of the temporal lobe. However, a lack of smell doesn’t necessary mean you are without aggression. Don’t right know what it means. But hey…..