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Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence

Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence2010-11-05T23:49:46+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence


Post count: 173

Merry Mac, if you want to know more about the development of IQ tests, might I suggest reading The Mismeasure of Man by the late, great Stephen Jay Gould?

Depending on how you feel about Math, you may want to skim over the first section which talks about the (rather dodgy) use of statistics to come up with a single combined IQ score, but the stuff in there about the history and development of the IQ test is a real eye opener.

The original Binet test was meant to be diagnostic, and identity areas children’s areas of strengths and weakness so they could receive support in those areas. Then it got turned into something that was intended to pigeonhole people into a place in society based on their score.