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Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence

Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence2010-09-09T13:55:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

I was going around spreading the story that 50% of Gifted Children had ADHD. Dr. J corrected me. It was an observation made by a doctor that 50% of Gifted Children displayed the symptoms of ADHD. But there could be many reasons for the restlessness, such as boredom, etc..

That said, I personally and everyone who has ADHD, is a freakin’ GENIUS!

As yet I don’t have the hard statistics or evidence to prove that.

So in the meantime I’m relying on religious faith that this is true until it can be proven. ;-)