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Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence

Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence2010-09-16T12:18:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence Re: ADD*ADHD and Higher Levels of Intelligence


Post count: 14413

@BuxomDiva- that is the best line I’ve ever heard!

More ADD/HD super-human intelligent traits=

Smelling things no one else can…and being able to identify what it is!

Top restauranteurs AD/HD?? What skills matter most when being a chef?


Doesn’t it make you think about what society values as intelligence vs perceived high status jobs….How much is influenced by this perception?

Who comes up with the criteria for intelligence tests?

Academics? How does their narrow view (being steeped in ‘Macademia’ for their whole careers) afford a non-prejudicial view for the rest of us?
