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Re: Adderall and vitamins?

Re: Adderall and vitamins?2011-11-30T12:55:34+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR Adderall and vitamins? Re: Adderall and vitamins?


Post count: 913

Thanks for that info!! I’d like to see more such info – more scientific input, of course – like I’ve been REALLY sick bad the last few days, stomach flu, cold, etc. and I do “soda crackers” and 7-Up to calm the gut down. It works. HOWEVER, I note a main ingredient of 7-Up is citric acid!

I also note that a main ingredient of Crystal Light water flavor packets (dump into bottled water for some flavor, no calories, etc.) as I hate plain water – it also has citric acid. Almost everything I love to drink is heavy in citric acid! Is that ONE reason adderall xr 20 meg seems to be having no real impact at all on me any more?

I didn’t take it yesterday at all due to the flu – figured I’d (sorry) puke it out anyway, and ya know, I can no longer tell when I take it or not take it. I saw no difference between yesterday not taking it, and today taking it. None at all.

LSA – thanks for this thread – I hope we get the REAL STRAIGHT SCOOP in here, and thanks mostly for not taking offense at my first reply. I deal DAILY with “mis-information” people get from the web. Our car forum I run – you’d be amazed. Just a few day ago, discussion on the pros and cons of running a vacuum advance, and what it really does or doesn’t do for your engine. They keep quoting this so-called engineer post someone put out years ago claiming to be a “GM engineer” explaining all about vacuum advance. It’s probably the most quoted “document” out there. Problem is, it’s a bunch of hooey. Half wrong, half made up, a lot appears he’s grasping at straws attempting to sound professional. Bottome line, they post that crap in our forum, want me to make it a “sticky” so they can reference it, then I have to try to convince them it’s NOT correct and I will not ever sticky info that is incorrect. It ticks them off- “it came from a GM engineer, though!” No, and if it did, that engineer probably made the seat backs and never worked in the engine area.

Convince ’em it is bogus when it’s reposted all over the web as fact.

No wonder my ex-boss called the Internet the “mis-information stupid highway” instead of the media’s “information super highway” name.