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Re: Adderall not working as well 6 weeks later?

Re: Adderall not working as well 6 weeks later?2012-09-01T13:30:45+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR Adderall not working as well 6 weeks later? Re: Adderall not working as well 6 weeks later?


Post count: 4

I love coffee, probly wont give it up? who knows, I know that it is not the cause of my anger. I’m sure it isnt. Caffeine is wonderful, I can tell when I take to much. I dont take anything extra other than the adderall. I have become pretty laid back after starting the adderall. I used to snap at stupid stuff, not so much any more. I usally laugh make a joke and try to find a answer .