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Re: ADHD, Congenital Heart Defect, and Medication

Re: ADHD, Congenital Heart Defect, and Medication2011-03-16T04:27:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments ADHD, Congenital Heart Defect, and Medication Re: ADHD, Congenital Heart Defect, and Medication


Post count: 51


Just an added note. A lot of cold medicine has Psudo-ephedrine in it.

Psuedo-ephedrine is used to make “Metm”.

Taking too much cold medicine with the spuedo -ephedrine car realy screw the heart up- palpatations etc. It happened with my wife.. just be carefull.

I only have plain guavesen in my home to loosen up the chest mucus. If the head gets bad I take a hot shower and try to help things drain.

Good luck with your son.