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Re: ADHD families can be good!

Re: ADHD families can be good!2010-08-04T00:58:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments ADHD families can be good! Re: ADHD families can be good!


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

Fish-hooks can make for some great stories!

A couple of years ago, my dad and his friend-since-childhood, Jerry, went fishing. Jerry did a big, dramatic cast-off…

…and hooked my dad’s ear.

Luckily, Jerry is a doctor. Unluckily, he didn’t have any anesthetic, other than booze. So Dad had a few shots, and Dr. Jerry performed the necessary surgery, right there on the dock…after taking a few photos, of course. Dad has a framed enlargement of one of them, on the wall next to his computer.

I swear, the older my dad and his buddies get, the more they seem to belong at Possum Lodge.