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Re: Alzheimer's disease? could that be the problem?

Re: Alzheimer's disease? could that be the problem?2012-02-07T16:43:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Alzheimer's disease? could that be the problem? Re: Alzheimer's disease? could that be the problem?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

No, it isn’t.

Alzheimer’s can hit people who have ADHD and people who don’t have ADHD. ADHD has nothing to do with it.

ADHD is a genetic condition that you’re born with. Alzheimer’s is something that develops later in life. About the only things the two have in common is that they’re located in the brain, and they’re genetic. If one or both of your parents have it, then you’re more likely to have it.

Alzheimer’s starts in a completely different part of the brain than the part where ADHD lives.

Alzheimer’s is caused by a breakdown of a certain protein (called “tau”) and starts in the part of the brain that’s behind the ears. ADHD is caused by insufficient activity in the right pre-frontal cortex of the brain (behind your forehead, on the right).

Also, the forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s is very different from the forgetfulness of ADHD. I watched my grandmother develop Alzheimer’s, and then die of it. I had 10 years to observe her mental state and how it deteriorated, and it’s very different from my own (and my mother’s undiagnosed) ADHD-related forgetfulness.

So, don’t worry! ADHD is NOT the road to Alzheimer’s!