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Re: Am I an anomaly here?

Re: Am I an anomaly here?2011-12-09T02:19:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story Am I an anomaly here? Re: Am I an anomaly here?


Post count: 285

Hi Linda – Welcome!

I want to say – no, you would not be an anomaly in this group, but wait – I guess we are all kind of anomaly’s (anomali?) compared to the majority of non-ADHD folks – haha!

Anyway, I am 40, and was just re-diagnosed a few months ago after having been called “hyperkinetic” and all kinds of things as a child. I never realized this was the same kind of problem I was having as an adult until recently.

There is a webinar on this site about how hormones play into the ADHD picture with women – check it out :)