The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › I'm Angry › Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers › Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers
@toofat and @ curlymoe Thanks for saying a lot of the things I wanted to say but cannot get from my brain to this post! Everyone is different and one thing I’ve learned from this site is that there are many levels in having ADD and I hate to see the friction between the people here. We all can learn something from each other.
Having been recently diagnosed at age 49, I’ve learned a lot from this community. (I fall more on the inattentive side of ADD, although I can get hyper and chatty!) Sometimes I feel out of my league with some of you who have high IQ’s but, it doesn’t put me off from learning from you. (Some things that I’ve learned here I’ve shared with my therapist that she didn’t realize was a part of ADD).
I don’t know what my IQ is and I really don’t care at this point in my life.
I read many stories and get many ideas here in these forums because I want to learn more about ADD and find solutions, so I don’t have to struggle so much everyday just trying to get things accomplished because I’m not on any medication to help me focus. (Some ideas work for me and others don’t and that’s ok. ) I’m not sure why my therapist doesn’t want to put me on anything, but I guess she feels that since I’m working at home, there’s no urgent need for me to take anything to help me focus. She needs to be my shadow one day!
@trashman I believe everyone has something to offer the world and you are not worthless. We all have our own challenges to deal with and work out.