The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › I'm Angry › Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers › Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers
Well there are only two countries in the world where my height would be above average. Malaysia and Indonesia. At 4 ft 101/2 I am on the short side. Except not having to get a crick in my neck when looking on the bottom shelf and able to crawl into small areas (except my weight is higher then average) there are not a lot of upsides to my height. DH is 5 ft 7 so he puts everything on the top shelf and I am forever having to get things to push it off the shelf or get out the ladder. As the population in Canada is much taller on average even petite now ranges from 5 ft 5 and below. So that means that every pair of petite pants I get I have to chop off 6 1/2 inches. Clothes just don’t fit right. Imagine climbing the shelves at the grocery store that refuses to front their products. How many times have I been scolded by store staff for climbing a ladder to get something they refuse to put low enough. I appreciate a person of height. They can reach everything that I can’t. I always have dangly legs on seats and couches. Most companies also get shoes in 7, 8, or 9 because that is what the “average” woman now buys. My size they bring in 3 pairs and I am battling 60 year old women for them. To join the military I had to have special permission because I was too short, and the average checked pace was 10 inches and mine is 8. So I was always running to keep up. For every 1 step a tall person takes I must take 2. Good thing I walk pretty fast.
So maybe that is why I find ADHD just like any other problem in my life. Everything I want to do is 2 paces away when for everyone else it is only 1. And sometimes I am just too tired or too weak to keep pacing.
Trashman- I wouldn’t put too much store in IQ tests. A lot of factors can change your IQ score including ADHD which can distract you from a good test result. Spend your life doing things that make you happy and therefore live the best life possible. My aunt was hit by a car when she was 4. She can remember every birthday and remarkable things about all of our lives but she has been assessed as functioning at a 13 year old level. She is 62, raised 2 children, volunteers regularly at schools and nursing homes, and is generally a loving woman but she needs help in a lot of aspects of her life. At 45 she finally graduated from highschool. She was also the main caregiver of her mother for the last 3 years of her life. We are all different abled doesn’t mean completely disabled. I have had pneumonia a couple of dozen times in my life, I now suffer from asthma like conditions and get winded. But my grandfather has ALS so he has trouble even breathing on his own. So it could be worse. Focus on what is going right and not what is wrong and you will make it through the day. When we spend so much time focusing only on the negative it is hard to have the energy to carry on.