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Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers

Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers2011-06-30T16:59:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Angry Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers Re: Anger due to the differences between severe and mild sufferers


Post count: 227

librarian_chef – if advice anywhere in this forum doesn’t apply to you, ignore it. The posts here are heart felt. The post that you find objectionable others find helpful. Usually people are reporting on experiences that were personally helpful to them. Those experiences may or may not apply to you.

You cannot judge how severe someone’s situation is by their posts in an online forum. A person who was diagnosed long ago and has come to grips with their expression of the disorder may appear to be less severe than someone with the same age and symptoms who has just recently been diagnosed.

I would also like to point out that not only is ADHD a spectrum disorder, it is also highly situational. If an ADHD person is in a situation that plays to their strengths, then they may never even be diagnosed. The disorder happens when the person is unable to cope with their situation.