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Re: Another one bites the dust.

Re: Another one bites the dust.2011-12-26T18:03:24+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job Another one bites the dust. Re: Another one bites the dust.


Post count: 9

My cure for the ADD job merry-go-round was finally landing the job/place where the interruptions and chaos are the norm and the super blessing of having an understanding ADHD boss (whether he knows it or not) who talks endlessy, interrupts as mush as I do, who won’t committ in print because his e-mails might be like mine which contain errors (although intelligent because I am unable to see or take the time to check them if Outlook/Word doesn’t catch them), has a terrrible memory, etc. Keep looking and you’ll find your niche or the ADD/ADHD boss who gets you, too, and will use your strengths while dismissing the weaknesses. I agree this website is a relief to see people who are so similar, enduring the same frustrations and coping as well as thriving. Hang in there.