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Re: Answering sceptics – a question for Rick

Re: Answering sceptics – a question for Rick2010-09-11T05:23:57+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Answering sceptics – a question for Rick Re: Answering sceptics – a question for Rick


Post count: 14413

Hmmmm, oh Ricky boy. Where are you?

Anyway, he is probably playing with himself…er…something.

The best advice I give is speak to the science. I remember when a clever reporter tried to have one of those adversarial discussions with some flake who had their own theory and wanted to see a fight on TV. I was not aware of the situation so there was this blind siding that occurred. It was one of those medications kill children openings like it was staged by the Church of Scientology or something. My opening line with absolute calmness was, “I’ll show you my 4, 218 scientific peer reviewed papers. You show me yours, unless you believe that all science is fake, well, then let’s talk……” The guy was like stunned and tried to change the topic line to his agenda and I kept on hitting him with the science. The other line I used was, “So you want children to suffer, right? You believe that it is the parent’s fault. Maybe we should hit our children more. Is that it? You look a lot younger than the 243 year old individual that you are!”

That’s a start……