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Re: Anxiety or ADHD

Re: Anxiety or ADHD2012-08-28T16:06:40+00:00

Post count: 14413

To answer your question Bluna79…YES…..it is normal…..or better put maybe…..it is…. as I have found it, to be common across the board ADD or otherwise. Most people I have encountered have brain chatter……and anxiety……sometimes both at the same time. Some brain chatter is stimulating…motivational….some causes anxiety.

So…my experience is neither trait is unique to ADD…although folks are sometimes quick to find a comfortable label for discomforting functions. My comment may well bring a flurry of posts down about ADD and anxiety, brain chatter etc……..but aside from that…. there is an exercise that may help with your chatter/anxiety issue. Yes,yes….I get it that some ADD folks have more chatter or than others……i know that…..that has been established, and verified, and is not in dispute!!!!

Try this….

1. Write down what it is that is persistently bothering you at the time……what won’t go away…..look at it once you have written it down…CAPTURED IT!! Just write it as a heading….not all of the shit that is swirling….. capture it, in no more than one sentence at most….you already have reviewed all of the details in your head!!! Hahahahahaha….yes???


2. If possible jot in “bullet” point form the solutions/actions that usually coincide with the brain swirl. Do not analyze them… just write them down…..short, one or two word solutions…..no essays….BULLETS ONLY!!!

3. Read it look them over….the simple act of capturing the swirl in written form…..writing all of this down….seeing it written on paper can help stop the swirl/anxiety….or certainly reduce it, quieten it down!!! There is a sense of completion, finality that comes with that act. Try it…….it costs nothing. Don’t do it on the computer…physically write it…..the act of getting up….getting a pen/pencil and paper and sitting down physically writing and thinking…….those STEPS are concrete, and can actually work in your favor to break the cycle swirl.

Sitting…pacing…..stewing, rehashing….. ALL can add fuel to the chatter…….try it….it costs nothing…..who knows????

Small steps…..
