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Re: Anxiety or ADHD

Re: Anxiety or ADHD2012-08-26T19:14:13+00:00

Post count: 14413

Thanks, both of you!

I take Vyvanse and Effexor, which both help. I’m a coffee drinker and sometimes it’s like “rolling the dice,” whether or not it’s going to interact with my vyvanse, which usually leads to more anxiety. Some days it is beneficial and other days I want to crawl under my bed and hide from the world. I’m obviously exaggerating, however, I can’t seem to stop drinking coffee while on vyvanse. Its bitter sweet because once I get to a certain level of stimulation, the anxiety kicks in and makes my attention problems worse. I’m very stubborn with this…

Thanks for the support. It’s comforting to know others go through the same issues.
