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Re: Any College 'kids' here?? Share your stories, please!!

Re: Any College 'kids' here?? Share your stories, please!!2011-12-27T04:11:31+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Any College 'kids' here?? Share your stories, please!! Re: Any College 'kids' here?? Share your stories, please!!


Post count: 14413

Hi, I am a collage student, and was diagnosed as ADD in 5th grade, i am now 30 years old and both of my children are ADHD a girl and boy. i have difficulty getting started on assignments for school, staying on task and completing assignments. however, unless i have been sick i have turned in every assignment on time and made it to every class. I attribute this to being able to learn coping skills. I know that i can only focus for about a half hour at a time and i frequently take what i like to call…. brain brakes. I also do my homework at night when the house is quiet and their are fewer distractions.

My children seem to have similar problems and so I’m teaching them these same coping skills. I know it is hard, TRUST ME, I KNOW it is hard… however it can be accomplished.

one thing i constantly tell my children, they may have ADHD, and things may be harder for them then they are for others, but that doesn’t give them an excuse to quit trying,

keep trying… keep working hard… and find out what you struggle with and search for coping skills to tackle those issues… and remember….

they don’t say practice makes perfect for nothing.