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Re: Any tips on finding a Psychiatrist who understands ADHD?

Re: Any tips on finding a Psychiatrist who understands ADHD?2010-04-06T03:45:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Any tips on finding a Psychiatrist who understands ADHD? Re: Any tips on finding a Psychiatrist who understands ADHD?


Post count: 14413

The problem with a quiz is a belief that it somehow is more accurate than clinical experience. It is not.


This video explains more about the quiz story.

When looking for a doc, go to an academic site first like your University hospital. Adult ADHD clinics are often a part of those hospitals which is certainly true of the Greater Toronto Area. This applies to any place on the planet. Next, check with your local support network as Mungo rightly points out. And lastly, open the possibility to doctors who are willing to learn about this.

By the way: little trick- when looking for a new doc, go to the local medical licensing authority website search engine for new doctors and know that in July, all the new graduates are released and they are looking for patients. Getting a brand new doc is actually good in the world of ADHD because the new specialty exams have questions on adult ADHD and they have some training now.