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Re: Anybody else feel like a zombie???

Re: Anybody else feel like a zombie???2011-06-28T00:43:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Ritalin Anybody else feel like a zombie??? Re: Anybody else feel like a zombie???


Post count: 303

How bad is it that I completely understand your rambling? LOL!!!

Thanks about the name. Geoduck (for those who don’t know, pronounced gooeyduck, and is a gigantic clam) is the mascot of The Evergreen State College, my alma mater. Wish I could say I was more inventive and creative, but hey, it works :)

I had about 25 to lose when I started…two years ago. I would exercise like 5 days a week, 1.5 hours a day, but not watch what I ate (well, I got really hungry). Or I would really watch what I ate and not exercise. Once I got on the medication, it seems I am doing a better job at both. However, I think my hubby being put on a low fat diet helps, and me being put on one, after my recent surgery, helped too.

Hubby likes to cook, and he would always have some sort of delicious snack coming out of the oven. Since he can’t eat that way anymore, he’s not doing it so much. It’s really hard to eat right if the people close to you aren’t really on board. Kind of like smoking. If a person wants to quit smoking, he’s got a better chance if his spouse quits smoking, too. Otherwise, the temptation is always there.

25 pounds doesn’t seem like a lot, but really, I think those last 25 are the hardest to lose. Good luck!