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Re: Anyone have an ADD coach?

Re: Anyone have an ADD coach?2011-07-27T10:53:51+00:00

Post count: 14413

Hi Carrie,

I feel your pain. I have had the same experience with finding support in terms of doctors and specialists for ADD. There are a ton or resources, lists of doctors and associations, but it becomes overwhelming. Luckily, I started attending a local support group for adults with ADD. Similar issue though, lots of experience from people that have used this or that service, lots of info, but what do _I_ do? Luckily I connected with someone in the group, who was in a similar situation as me, but further along in the process of getting his ADD managed. He was using the services of an ADD coach, it, along with other support (doctor, therapist, meds, etc) had really helped him to make his life more successful and manageable. I called his coach, and have ended up working with a coach for the last six months.

It is a marathon, not a sprint. Besides the practical things I am learning (though not always easy to put into practice), I am finding that the process has gone a long way to helping me change my self talk. I am starting to see myself in much less judgmental terms, I am not the only person dealing with this. Still frustrating that I have trouble doing some of the simple day to day things, like cooking for myself, organizing and tidying my living space, etc., but making progress.

Anyway, not what you asked… the costs run about $120/hour, and plus or minus 20/hour about average for what I have seen, at least in my area which is Toronto, Canada. Not cheap, but I believe that having a coach has helped me do things like starting to work with a “financial coach”, which is a company that is taking over a lot of the routine aspects of paying bills, helping me plan, make sure that I take care of the basics so that I have the hope of starting to save again.

I don’t always feel like I can afford it, but the alternative is not cheap either, both in monetary as well as emotional terms. Unmanaged ADD and an inability to manage my life has cost me a great deal. It cost me a house, a great deal of savings, among other things! I am worth the investment, and believe that the coaching will, in the long run, end up paying for itself. Ohhh, one other thing. I have on my list to do (!) to look into getting some status via my doctor with regards to ADD diagnosis. In Canada, or Ontario at least, there are some tax breaks associated with ADD related costs once you go through the process. Let me know if some info about that might be helpful.

Sorry for the lengthy reply to a simple question, but feeling passionate about the topic. Please let me know if you have any other questions and hope this helps.