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Re: Are doctors more informed about ADHD now?

Re: Are doctors more informed about ADHD now?2010-03-23T02:52:51+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Need Help! Are doctors more informed about ADHD now? Re: Are doctors more informed about ADHD now?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

If the doctor dismisses your problems, then find another doctor who specializes in ADHD. This can be more difficult in the USA, where you have to get permission from your HMO to see a particular doctor or go to a particular hospital. In Canada, you can go to any doctor or hospital you like, provided they’re accepting new patients, or, for a specialist, you have a referral from your GP.

Lots of us have had to educate our doctors about ADHD. You should be prepared to do the same, or at least to have done enough research through legitimate medical sources (not just the hysteria of the internet), that you can discuss this rationally, with proofs to back you up. In fact, this is how you should prepare to discuss ANY health concerns with ANY medical professional.