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Re: Are there stratagies for sucessful marriages?

Re: Are there stratagies for sucessful marriages?2012-02-28T20:01:28+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer Are there stratagies for sucessful marriages? Re: Are there stratagies for sucessful marriages?


Post count: 14413

Larynxa, thank you so much for this post. My husband has ADD and I have been feeling like he’s disconnected lately. I grew up watching my parents sit for hours on the patio drinking their morning coffee simply talking and enjoying eachother’s company. I have always wanted moments like this with my husband. I found that I was getting upset that he wasn’t capable of sharing moments like this with me. There always seemed to be some distraction to pull his attention away (TV or computer). After reading your post I realize that he does try to connect with me but it’s in different ways. He does make efforts to spend those moments with me. They aren’t as long as I would like but I need to appreciate him for trying. And we can build on those moments. Thank you for your perspective and for sharing your thoughts and feelings.