The Forums › Forums › What is it? › Other › Attention Allocation Deficit › Re: Attention Allocation Deficit
Yes very interesting article. Actually it more or less explains ADD the way my psychologist did. I think I will bookmark it to show anyone who “doesn’t get” ADD.
Matter of fact was thinking along those lines the other day when I was listening to a radio program about ADD . Although the guest shrink on the show did a great job of shooting down the doofus who called and said ADHD doesn’t exist and it just the invention of teachers who are looking for a way to get out of teaching ( not only was he an idiot but he didn’t make much sense either!) Anyhow I wished the guest had done a better job of explaining what ADD really is. Anyone listening would still have come away with the traditional idea of the little boy running around with the lampshade on his head banging into walls despite the fact that psych did say there are variations of the disorder. Anyway sorry about the tangent here ….